Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pink is the New Blonk

Hi Everybody!

You may have noticed that the Sad Billionaire has been conspicuously absent from these pages the last couple of months. Thatz because I have been frantically trying to finish my master's thesis in US History, which I did a couple of days ago. Yep. Its all a-written. As Kristen Cavallari once said of her automobile, it's dunzo. Now I have to write a bunch of statements of purpose for PhD apps, but that is cake in comparison. I am one happy Sad Billionaire!

Now, if anything is constant in my life, it is scheduling intense music-performance commitments at exactly the time that my other work is most brutal. True to form, I agreed to play 2 concerts this weekend, one in San Antonio (Friday) and one in Austin (Saturday). If I was me, I would be desperately trying to finish compiling my bibliography in between guitar licks. But as noted (gloated?) above, my thesis is dunzo. So let the rock commence.

Having violated one personal blogging rule by discussing matters academic, I will violate another by plugging these shows. Unlike the Long Telegram, which aims to be shred-o-metallic ear candy, my other musical activities are considerably more abstract and inscrutable. And that's the way I like it. Plinking bizarre sounds on a naked jazz guitar saved my life, and that's what I'm gonna be doing tomorrow and Saturday. I am excited to be doing it with two great musicians: local percussionist Chris Cogburn and Dutch sound poet Jaap Blonk. Blonk is gonna do a set of classic Dadaist sound poems, and then a trio set with me and CC. I saw Jaap do one of the greatest sets of music I have ever seen with Thurston Moore and Mats Gustafsson in Chicago about 6 years ago, and I can't wait to play with him.

You can play with him, too. Here is the Blonk-Organ. It's rad:

San Antonio show is at 8:30 PM at the Wiggle Room, 2301 South Presa, San Antonio, $10.

Austin show is at a private home, a mansion actually, and one of the best art spaces in the world. 709 Rio Grande (at the corner of 8th and Rio Grande), Austin, TX. $8 adv / $15 admission at the door.


zoe p. said...

more yowza for you too. congrats on finishing the paper. and in a timely manner. even more difficult.

good luck on the statements too.

i'm in the BEST mood these days because, it seems, my dissertation is writing itself. who knew that months of research, reading and outlining would actually pay off during the writing process?

Bloglisted said...

I can't wait for the show!

Congratulations on finishing your thesis. I haven't finished anything this semester except for a few hundred beers and a carton of Marlboro Lights.

But you do realize now, however, that you can not use the "I was distracted by my thesis" excuse when I end up taking you (and your cheating wife) down in the gingerbread contest. :-)

femme feral said...

Jopp Blonk is a genius! the shows were amazing!!!

And that's awesome news about your dissertation zp! I hope we get to read it someday!