Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Twinkle Links and "Cutie Crack"

This title scorer is really nifty, although it's a tad inscrutable. In case you're wondering, Fluffy Dollars has about a 60% chance of being a best seller. Hmm...

And what's up with all the cute stuff? Turns out that cute things stimulate the same part of the brain as drugs, leading us to start a new feature -- "Cute Crack." This week's dose of cute crack is pictured above. Those are baby porcupines. The one on the end looks sleepy. Image source

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You've got me, I'm addicted. Take that Nancy Reagan. I can't say no.

BTW, saw the link to you at the Carnival of Feminists. You are such the mover and shaker!