You are probably wondering why the hell I am writing about
13 going on 30 *
I like
Legally Blonde, and
Mean Girls. I'm a sucker for six-hour A&E period dramas like
Pride and Prejudice and
Vanity Fair. My favorite movies growing up were
Freaky Friday and
Heathers. I think all of these are considered "chick flicks." But I hate crap like S
leepless in Seattle and
When Harry Met Sally. And I can't even watch
Affair to Remember or D
irty Dancing -- or --holy hell--
Pretty Woman. [I will never ever stop being shocked by the number of women who list Pretty Woman as one of their favorite movies. Fuck.]
Anyway, the subject of chick flicks and teen movies** has been on my mind since I watched
13 going on 30 and found it totally compelling. I didn't see it in theaters. I'm pretty sure it was out around the same time as
Mean Girls, and I didn't even go to the movies to see that. I haven't ever really been a fan of Jennifer Garner, despite the fact that she kicked ass on Alias (I just couldn't get past its inferiority in comparison to
Buffy). It was only because it was recommended by a
friend that I even considered watching this movie.
13 going on 30 seems to exists in the Bermuda triangle of genres -- somewhere between the saccharine Olsen/Disney movie, the chick flick, and the teen movie. It's like
Big or
Freaky Friday in that's it's a high concept farce that exploits the premise of "be careful what you wish for," but this also means that it must negotiate some pretty, er, creepy scenarios when kids end up in very, um, adult situations. And it's inversion of the Lolita story -- the way the fantasy reveals a grown man's desire for someone with a 30 year old woman's body but with the brain of a 13 year old -- is, um, pretty strange. Moreover, the movie's (apparent) evasion of any explicitly gendered issue is curious; the notions of "nice" and "mean" are diced and discussed, but this doesn't seem to connect to anyone's consciousness re: constructions of femininity. Overall, this movie is an odd cocktail of winsome and creepy, charming and confusing, refreshing and disappointing.
I can't help but wonder if this also says something about this particular cultural moment;
Mean Girls and
The Devil Wears Prada are two movies which seem content to at once diagnose the conditions that lead to "mean girl" behavior (patriarchy, capitalism) and to ultimately acquiesce to the status quo. While I find both of the aforementioned movies entertaining, I would never call them progressive. In fact, I consider them quite the opposite, especially compared to movies like
Heathers and
Cruel Intentions.But I cannot write about
13 going on 30 without mentioning Mark Ruffalo. I've liked him since seeing
You Can Count on Me. And his role in
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mine was way too tiny (in my version he played the part Jim Carey played). But I didn't even know that he was in
13 Going on 30. I just assumed the male lead was played by Jared Padalecki or some other clown. But it's Mark Ruffalo. And he is really really good.
*Okay, I know what you're thinking. I only felt like talking about this movie because of Ruffalo. That could be true.
**I'll likely be writing more about teen movies in the coming months, as I like to have them on as I work on my teen novel(s). Would love to know what y'all think about this genre.
ETA: The
13 going on 30 dvd comes in a pink case that smells like bubblegum. ick.